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2004 November 27 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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I’ve noticed that there is a habit for people to quote things that they don’t seem to have read. With so many misquotes floating around it’s worthwhile to go to the source.

The National Archives has the founding charters, including scanned images of the originals and transcripts in the original spelling-optional form. Anyone who feels inclined to quote the Constitution, the Amendments, or the Declaration of Independence should stop by and read the most authoritative forms available.

The Bible is the most misquoted of all documents, and I can’t provide a link because no one can agree on a single, authoritative, English language version. I only consider it a misquote of the Bible when it can be shown when the quote has another recognizable source, Shakespeare most commonly, or it is a generally recognized misstatement.

While we’re on misquotes, what’s with the “yellow ribbons” to “support the troops”? I realize that a lot of these people weren’t listening to the radio in 1973 when the song: Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree was a hit. To say it was maudlin treacle is redundant as it was a hit for Tony Orlando and Dawn, whose “hits” formed the book for lounge singers.

While I don’t doubt that the ten-year-olds in Asia stamping out the magnetic signs need the pennies to avoid outright starvation, but I’m more than a little insulted by the symbol. I’m a veteran, and you aren’t supporting the troops by comparing them to ex-cons, especially after Abu Ghraib. Read the lyrics! It’s about a guy getting out of prison, for crying out loud.

The Iran Hostage Crisis spawned ABC News’ Nightline and the resurrection of the saccharine anthem. Nightline could redeem itself by starting another counter for the Bush administration on screen every night, a count down to the end of our national nightmare and a counter for the national debt. The song should be re-buried with a stake through its heart.

November 27, 2004   Comments Off on Misspeaking