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Hurricane Season — Why Now?
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Hurricane Season

November 30th is the last day of the hurricane season and it was rather exciting for those of us who live in the “Sunshine State”. It was above average for the total number of storms and one, Ivan, managed the rare feat of making it to the top of the Saffir-Simpson scale at Category 5, constant wind speed greater than 155 mph. Fortunately it moderated before hitting the land.

Of course the real terror begins after the storm when hundreds of people who can’t tell one end of a screwdriver from the other buy chainsaws and manage to get them started.

They have six months for the physical therapy and wounds to heal before we become Weather Channel junkies again.

It’s time to wait for Grandfather Frost or the Hogfather as the case may be. I know most people fixate on Saint Nicholas, but I think he should have done a bit more than dispense money to prevent a few girls from being sold into slavery by their father to earn his sainthood and general reverence. Of course, being Turkish he won’t be allowed in the US. His sleigh may be the only thing this new “operational” Star Wars defense system can hit.