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Why are the Pharisees shouting? — Why Now?
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Why are the Pharisees shouting?

Over at Atrios’ place I ran into this post by Hecate featuring a Frank Rich New York Times article.

It would appear that the Religious Reich is rushing to grab as much as they can before they are deemed irrelevant. A decline from 40% of voters in 1996 to 22% in 2004 who put moral values at the top of their concerns does not represent an encouraging trend for the political fortunes of the Apocalypse Posse. Lacking any core values, the Rovian machine will cast off anyone or anything that doesn’t add to its odds of winning elections.

As I doubt there has been that big a shift in belief among Americans, I have to wonder if many religious people are becoming uncomfortable with being lumped in with the “family values” crowd. The majority of good Christians I have met over my life didn’t need to tell anyone about their faith: they simply lived it.