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Judge George Greer — Why Now?
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Judge George Greer

Judge in Schiavo case honored. Judge Greer was honored by the local bar association for his long-time service to the law in his jurisdiction.

The event was picketed by people who felt he should have abandoned his years of commitment to the law and ruled in accordance with their beliefs.

There is a basic misunderstanding in this country as to how the system works. People don’t seem to understand that the voters approve the constitution and amendments, the legislature approves laws, and judges simply read and apply laws to specific cases.

If the picketers wanted a different outcome, all they would have had to do in the state of Florida is gather signatures and get an amendment on the ballot to alter the constitution. That’s all it took to prevent pregnant pigs from being forced to live in cages. They had years to do this, but it didn’t happen because they know they don’t have the votes.