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2005 May 26 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

For one day, schools must teach the same topic.

Schools can determine what kind of educational program they want, but they must hold one every year on the now-named “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.” And if September 17 falls on a weekend or holiday, schools must schedule a program immediately before or after that date.

Senator Robert Byrd thinks people should know what’s really in the Constitution, and I agree with him.

While reports are buzzing about the health of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, The BBC points out that experience shows that Zarqawi is more important as a symbol for the Bush administration than for the conduct of the Iraqi insurgency or al Qaeda.

The ever vigilant Australian Broadcasting informs the world: Mill dispute sparks a run on toilet paper.

Shoppers in Finland have raided shelves for toilet paper in fear of it running out as a lockout of workers keeps the Nordic country’s paper mills shut.

The inhumanity of it all. A note to the management of the paper mills: you are not gaining public support for your position by endangering the supply of toilet paper.

May 26, 2005   Comments Off on The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly