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Very Busy Day — Why Now?
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Very Busy Day

If you missed it, or Mustang Bobby’s condensed version, go read John at Archy. John’s article: Do they even know what they believe? lays out some of the basic conflicts of theology facing individual members of the Religious Reich.

When they talk about “traditional values”, they mean their values, not middle-of-the-road Christian values. A lot of people see the word “Baptist” and react negatively, but one of the best Christians that most Americans know, Jimmy Carter, is a Baptist.

The Reich’s stereotyping of its opponents doesn’t justify stereotyping by those opponents. I know a number of Baptists who are good Christians. Of course none of them go to the Southern Baptist Convention multimedia business calling itself a church just down the road from me.

August J. Pollock’s new cartoon at Xoverboard discusses a new military policy and, no, he isn’t making it up, it is a new policy.

Len at Dark Bilious Vapors pointed me to Jo at Democratic Veteran who quotes Gordon at The Alternate Brain‘s article: Fearless Leader, Ha!

It turns out that the Marines who marched at the Inauguration Parade had the bolts removed from their rifles.

This is isn’t caution; this is clinical paranoia. If a President can’t trust the Marines assigned to the Capitol District, he should just hide in the basement. This is highly insulting to men who would be providing the first line of defense for the White House in case of a large attack. The Marines fly the President’s helicopter, if you can’t trust the Marines you need another line of work.

Now I have issues with the Marines. I mean people who get up at O Dark Thirty in the morning to run around the base carrying rifles over their head and singing deserve a special level of Hell, but I would never question their honor, as this act did. If Bush doesn’t trust them, why should they trust him?

Karen at Dark Bilious Vapors offers us: More on the De-Volution in Kansas….

Ron Reagan is not happy about the “trial” in Kansas, not simply the way the trial is going, but that there is a trial at all.