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News As Entertainment — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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News As Entertainment

People are once again realizing the priorities of the corporations that select what the “news” is on any given day. The number one priority is audience ratings, which drive advertising rates.

To have media staying power a story must involve a celebrity or a crime involving a white female: cute if a child, pretty if an adult.

There are a lot of people who go missing every day, but to be mentioned on CNN they must involve white women from middle class families and above. All of the special laws are named for white women and children.

These atrocities happen to boys and non-Whites, but you wouldn’t know that if you watch the national media.

Small wonder people in this country have no idea what’s going on. The Right has inordinate power because they get their messages out, while most people assume that TV news will tell them what’s important.