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Animal Attraction — Why Now?
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Animal Attraction

The thing is different cultures view animals in different ways. When some people called the French weasels because they refused to be taken in by the unintelligence claims about Iraq, it was a waste of time – the French don’t view weasels the same way Americans do.

Among a number of different tribes of Native Americans, bringing a dog into the house is a filthy habit. In general, dogs are considered filthy in Islamic countries, and in parts of Southern Asia they are considered dinner.

When you start using animals as totems for countries, you really need to know how that culture reacts to that animal. When you are drawing a political cartoon it is important to determine if the country you are depicting reacts to that animal the same way you audience reacts.

Steve Gilliard and Digby cover the incident of a Washington Times cartoon that has created a furor in Pakistan.

Considering the reaction when the British press and MPs call Blair “Bush’s Poodle”, why would the artist think it was a good idea to portray Pakistan as America’s hound?