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This And That — Why Now?
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This And That

If you have any interest in gardening, don’t miss the Chelsea Flower Show.

Reuters gives us a great story of “making lemonade when life gives you lemons”: Restaurant cashes in on elephant rampage.

“Restaurant Where Elephants Have Been” is the new name of a restaurant that was gutted by three elephants that wandered away from the local zoo.

So much for my plan to make the world a better place: Wormhole ‘no use’ for time travel. I had high hopes that a friendly neighborhood wormhole would have solved the time and energy problems with my plan.

They should have bought the required Kiddie Meals at the appropriate Bodacious Burger Barn: Two hurt in mock light sabre duel.

Two Star Wars fans are in a critical condition in hospital after apparently trying to make light sabres by filling fluorescent light tubes with petrol.

Pouring gasoline into glass tubes, lighting them, and then hitting them against each other: what a great idea! And people wonder why George Lucas hasn’t bothered to make the last three movies better. Hint: these people buy tickets to his movies.

[Edit: Thanks to Blogger, The Apostopher got this posted before me.]