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Supporting the Troops — Why Now?
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Supporting the Troops

Vets at military retirement home sue Rumsfeld: according to this CNN report a class action law suit has been filed by residents of the military’s nursing home in Washington over cuts in services. The Defense Department has cut the budget of the facility from $63 million last year to $58 million this year.

To be eligible for either of the two Nursing Homes you have to have 20 years of military service and duty in a combat zone.

Jillian at skippy tells us about Congressman Gene Taylor (D-MS), and Coast Guard Reservist, who wants to provide health care for Reservists and the National Guard who are being used for Federal duties.

This is really a security issue. Many people who have been called up are not medically fit for duty due to a lack of health coverage.

Duncan Hunter, the representative of yacht owners in Coronado, California and Chairthing of the Armed Services Committee says it’s too expensive. He also thinks people are stupid not to understand why women can’t really serve in combat or crew their own boats.

[Yes, Duncan is a Republican. Yes, he thinks he’s a conservative. Yes, he thinks going to cocktail parties with retired Admirals is the same as military service. Yes, I know him. Yes, he is an obnoxious jerk.]