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2005 August — Why Now?
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Posts from — August 2005

Sarcasm is PG-13

Bush supporters gather in Crawford to protest a Gold Star mother, which is to be expected. I mean a guy with control over nuclear weapons really needs to be protected from a mom who wants him to answer a question. I know there were a number of questions I didn’t want my Mother to ask over the years.

Unfortunately one group forgot that people require the intellectual maturity of a 10-year-old to understand sarcasm, so there was a problem.

You wonder if they have seen this: Poll: 90 percent support right to protest war.

August 28, 2005   Comments Off on Sarcasm is PG-13

A Cat To Watch

Not for the queasy without a sense of humor, I think Culture Ghost is being given a unsubtle hint in One Day late Cat-Blogging.

It’s not a horse’s head in his bed, but…

August 28, 2005   Comments Off on A Cat To Watch

Dogs Today

There was time when the heroic pet would brave all dangers, like the heroine in Lassie Come Home, to return home for a reunion.

But today’s dogs avoid a long walk home by nipping aboard the 20:38. I admit that knowing which train to take and getting off at the right stop is pretty good, but where’s the mythic quality in taking a local train?

August 28, 2005   Comments Off on Dogs Today

A little Bird Told Me

The University of Florida is involved in designing small reconnaissance drones for the US government. The BBC report: Spy craft take gull flight lesson covers an approach to variable wing geometry based on the sea gull.

I don’t worry about local testing, our sea birds will take out any intruders that could threaten access to tourist hand outs, and the pigeons in most cities would probably mug them.

August 27, 2005   Comments Off on A little Bird Told Me

State Redistricting

There is a series of initiatives going through the signature process to transfer the power to redistrict the state from the legislature to a non-partisan commission. All three initiatives must pass for this to take effect.

The Saint Petersburg Times reports on a technical problem with one of the initiatives.

The Secretary of State’s Office approved the wording in March and is investigating how the error slipped through.

Gov. Jeb Bush, who appoints the secretary of state, said the office should have caught the mistake. But he and other opponents reveled in the mistake and suggested organizers should have caught it.

“There is this thing in Microsoft Word that’s called ‘word count,’ ” Bush said with a grin.

The problem is that one of the initiatives has 81 words, not the maximum of 75 required.

A Bush appointee approved the defective initiative, but Bush finds the situation amusing.

August 27, 2005   Comments Off on State Redistricting

We Are Victims!

University of Calif. Sued Over Creationism

The Association of Christian Schools International, which represents more than 800 schools, filed a federal lawsuit Thursday claiming UC admissions officials have refused to certify high school science courses that use textbooks challenging Darwin’s theory of evolution. Other rejected courses include “Christianity’s Influence in American History.”

According to the lawsuit, the Calvary Chapel Christian School in Murrieta was told its courses were rejected because they use textbooks printed by two Christian publishers, Bob Jones University Press and A Beka Books.

For those who don’t know, A Beka Books is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pensacola Christian College and the Florida Department of Revenue spent years getting them to pay taxes because PCC claimed it was a religious operation.

I don’t doubt that the University of California would accept these courses as religious, but there are standards that must be met and the courses don’t meet them. The UC standards must be consistent with the standards of their accreditation organization.

I feel certain that the students would be welcome at Bob Jones University, Pensacola Christian College, or any other “Christian college”, if they had the money.

August 27, 2005   Comments Off on We Are Victims!

Missing [Not White Women]

Apparently Chinese milk cartons will now feature pictures of missing crocodiles.

The owners of a reptile farm near the city of Benxi have set up a Hotline to find the remaining 13 of 29 crocodiles that escaped during flooding.

Fifteen crocodiles have been returned and one was killed, but there is concern that the 13 will die when the temperature drops.

August 26, 2005   Comments Off on Missing [Not White Women]

The Spirit of Ludwig of Bavaria

In another example of the leadership style fostered under the Soviet system we learn that Turkmenistan shoots for the stars by paying to have a satellite launched that contains a book.

“The sacred text of Rukhnama was chosen because it contains all the wisdom of the Turkmen people, thanks to its creator, Turkmenbashi,” the article said, using the name the country’s President, Saparmurat Niyazov, has given himself, meaning ‘Guide of All Turkmen’.

Turkmenbashi recently outlawed lip-syncing and moustaches, and announced a plan to build a palace made from ice in his desert country.

Some of you probably think that the premise of Being There is absurd. The government of Turkmenistan will disabuse you of that notion.

August 26, 2005   Comments Off on The Spirit of Ludwig of Bavaria

Anti-War Movement

A point that seems to be missed by a lot of talking heads is that a large number of the people opposed to the war in Iraq, are not opposed to war. A major segment of those speaking out against what’s going on in the Persian Gulf believe that Afghanistan was necessary and proper, but Iraq was neither.

Mrs. Sheehan doesn’t oppose war, and has clearly stated that she would fight if the United States was attacked. Her question, and the question of all of us who oppose what is going on in Iraq is why are we there. We have been fed a series of lies over the course of the war and none of them have stood up to scrutiny. There is no “noble cause”, only a series of excuses.

“Stay the course” presupposes a course or plan, something that is not in evidence. There really should be a reason when thousands of humans are killed. Someone should explain why.

At some point in the future a stone “I” will join the black granite “V” in Washington. Those of us who oppose this misadventure would hope it needn’t be very large and have 2005 as the last date.

August 26, 2005   Comments Off on Anti-War Movement

How About A Break?

Hurricane Symbol

In 1995 we had Erin [August] and Opal [October]. In 1997 we had Danny [July]. In 1998 there was Georges [September] and it rained for five days without a break. In 2004 there was Ivan [July], the third costliest natural disaster in US history. Then in July of this year we got Dennis.

We have had our share. We have paid our dues. There is not a lot left for a hurricane to blow over, we do not need a visit from Katrina.

August 26, 2005   Comments Off on How About A Break?

Trust Us

Defense Language Institute

We have to save money because there is too much waste in the Pentagon.

So are we cutting the National Missile Defense Program, which has still failed to defend anything? Of course not.

We should move the Defense Language Institute and hope that we can convince its faculty of civilian native speakers to relocate from Monterey Bay to the Midwest.

Fortunately the BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure] panel shot that one down, saving my alma mater [Russian Intermediate and Advanced Programs]. When we need linguists more than ever, they wanted to disrupt the program that provides them.

They have managed to get Walter Reed Army Medical Center closed at a time when the military medical system is overwhelmed with casualties. Rumsfeld says he is going to build a new modern facility, but then he also said he was going to provide body armor and up-armor vehicles, so there won’t be a new facility. They have under-funded the Veterans Administration by billions, so you know they just don’t care.

It is pathetic that a veterans’ organization, the American Legion, would think that these people deserve support. Veterans should support those who support them.

It doesn’t look like they expect another aerial attack, because their plan strips the coasts of any ability to respond. When they route airliners to Maine, the closest fighter aircraft will be in New Jersey. If they are the new Raptors, they will get there with aerial refueling, but it will be tricky for them to fly at the speed and altitude of airliners.

These people are looking at the situation of the military during the administration of George H.W. Bush and transforming the military to fit that period. They just don’t understand the current requirements, or the weaknesses made obvious by the Iraq War.

When you hear about these cost savings, keep in mind that the fuel cost, fuel only, for Air Force One is running at $8K/hour. Since the Shrubbery flies with a second aircraft containing his motorcade, it’s really $16K/hour every time he takes a trip.

August 26, 2005   Comments Off on Trust Us

Friday Cat Blogging

[™ Kevin Drum]

Taking a Break from Mom Duties

Friday Cat Blogging

Ohhh, that feels good.

[Edit: I don’t guess the nepeta cataria is mature enough for the cats to notice it yet.]

Friday Ark

August 26, 2005   Comments Off on Friday Cat Blogging

Hurricane Katrina

Mustang Bobby is blogging the storm as it comes ashore North of him.

Update: Bobby shut down at 8:15pm EDT as his power is looking a little iffy in the squall conditions.

August 25, 2005   Comments Off on Hurricane Katrina

K-9 Returns!

If you are not a fan of Doctor Who you have no idea what this means. If you are a fan, especially of the Tom Baker years, the return of K-9 [with Sarah Jane, BTW] is a matter of great nostalgia.

August 25, 2005   Comments Off on K-9 Returns!