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2005 October 03 — Why Now?
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A new grand jury in Austin has issued a second indictment against Tom DeLay and company for money laundering that has a maximum penalty of life in prison.

It sounds like someone was looking for a deal and spilled their guts to the new grand jury. They must have had some convincing evidence to get three indictments in one day from a brand new grand jury.

It sounds like one or more rattus republicus spent the weekend learning to swim.

October 3, 2005   Comments Off on Hmmm?

Rove In Charge

If you remember that Karl is in charge of the hurricane rebuilding effort it will come as no surprise that after St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis complained about the slow response to the housing needs of his parish to CNN that:

FEMA had told CNN Sunday that the agency expected to have more than 1,000 housing units up and running in the area shortly, but that Davis himself had contributed to delays because he recommended to the agency that his construction company be hired to develop a property to which he has personal ties.

Davis said in his statement that he does not own a construction company, and that he owns no land other than the site of his flooded home.

Good luck to Mr. Davis on his demand for a FEMA apology.

Smear is the Pavlovian response of Karl to complaints. He can’t help himself ever since that little Catholic girl kicked his butt as a child.

October 3, 2005   Comments Off on Rove In Charge

Don’t Cry For Me Alabama

Drama queen/victim Roy Moore has announced his run for governor of Alabama.

Roy doesn’t think that Alabama has suffered enough from recent hurricanes, so he’s going to do his best to replace Bob Riley as the Republican candidate for governor.

For those who didn’t click through, Roy is the nutcase that was removed as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court for plunking a huge stone Ten Commandments monument in the entrance hall of the court building and refusing to remove it after a Federal judge told him to cease and desist being a jerk.

Bob Riley has actually been trying to fix some of the problems that Alabama has, so you know he’s not popular with the “Republican base”.

October 3, 2005   Comments Off on Don’t Cry For Me Alabama


Doesn’t the Shrubbery know anyone outside his small clique? I don’t know anything about Harriet Miers, which is rather normal for Bush appointments as most of them haven’t been known to anyone outside a small circle.

Look, FEMA was no place for someone with no emergency management experience, but Mike Brown has more experience with judging than Harriet Miers. While judging horse shows is a bit different than being a Federal judge, it is closer than anything Ms. Miers has done.

I have heard that she was charged with preparing the daily briefing for the Shrubbery. If that’s true, that’s not a good sign because we can all agree that the Shrubbery is one of the least informed Presidents we ever had.

Would it cause this White House extreme pain to actually look for someone who is obviously qualified for a job?

According to the CNN poll currently up I’m with the 78% of those taking the poll who believe that Supreme Court nominees should have previous judicial experience.

October 3, 2005   Comments Off on Cronyism

Happy 5766

Sun down tonight marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah and the year 5766.

Happy New Year to my Jewish friends.

October 3, 2005   Comments Off on Happy 5766