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Iditarod Update – Race Day 2 Late Night — Why Now?
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Iditarod Update – Race Day 2 Late Night

Via the Achorage Daily News here are the current top ten teams:

1 Kjetil Backen (42)
2 Aaron Burmeister (14)
3 Gerry Willomitzer (7)
4 Paul Gebhardt (69)
5 Hugh Neff (16)
6 Lance Mackey (6)
7 Zack Steer (26)
8 Hans Gatt (38)
9 Rick Swenson (61)
10 Warren Palfrey (44)

Backen is in Rohn, while the next 20 teams are between Rainy Pass and Rohn. Those still not in Rainy Pass are dealing with snow, which would have been heavy and wet at time with the daytime temperatures getting just above freezing.

In her second Iditrod, Sigrid Ekran (24) is the leading woman at 16th, while Rohn Buser (37) is the leading rookie at 17th.

Because of the rules Rachael Scdoris (55) ended up having to start last to coordinate with her “guide”, Joe Runyan (83), but she is at 90th in Finger Lake.


1 hipparchia { 03.03.08 at 11:50 pm }

go rachael!

2 Bryan { 03.04.08 at 1:00 am }

Maybe next year they’ll let her use a GPS and she can run her own race.

3 hipparchia { 03.04.08 at 3:03 am }

The object of the race is to determine which musher and dogs can cover the race in the shortest time under their own power and without aid of others.

seems to me that making her follow another dog team is a greater violation of the spirit of the race than is breaking the rule about using only traditional forms of navigation by giving her a gps. then again, i could be biased. i’ve been using gps for so long now, it already feels like a traditional form of navigation to me.

not to mention the pesky little fact that she’s already proven she can get around quite well on her own, without a spotter.

4 Bryan { 03.04.08 at 10:18 am }

It’s a bit absurd when they mark the trail, and have a trailbreaker ahead of the leaders to talk about traditional forms of navigation.