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This Sounds Like A Job For The Penguin — Why Now?
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This Sounds Like A Job For The Penguin

The Associated Press reports on an MRE makeover: Army unveils a new menu for soldiers.

We won’t really know if this stuff is worth eating until Badtux‘s gourmet beak chomps down on it and decides if it is worth swallowing. If you missed his earlier work go over and search for “MRE”. He also did heroic work on supermarket frozen pizzas.


1 fallenmonk { 03.06.08 at 10:42 am }

I got to try some a few years ago when my daughter was in the Naval Reserve and doing her combat medic thing with the jar heads. Not really too bad and a world of improvement over K-rations. One of the ones I tried even came with a tiny, tiny bottle of Tabasco for the chili. With enough Tabasco you can make almost anything edible but I am not sure it would be enough for the old K-rat pemmican.

2 Bryan { 03.06.08 at 11:54 am }

They had pemmican in the Air Force survival rations, and we agreed that it would survive anything as no sane person would eat it.

Chow halls in Alaska were definitely weird, as you would get powered milk and eggs, as well as snow crab, salmon steaks, and moose or caribou. A salad was beyond the budget of most people, except during the middle of summer.