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What Do You Win — Why Now?
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What Do You Win

If you run in the Iditarod and finish among the top 20 there’s some cash at the end of trail, but there are other awards along the way.

Lance Mackey won the Spirit of Alaska Award by being the first into McGrath. PenAir gave him a spirit mask and a $500 credit on his air freight bill.

The Dorothy Page Halfway Award awaits the first team into Cripple and $3,000 in gold nuggets.

The First to the Yukon Award is waiting in Ruby. It’s 3,500 5,000 one-dollar bills and a gourmet meal.

The Gold Coast Award is for the first musher to reach Unalakleet. They get a trophy and $2,500 in gold.

The overall winner gets a new pickup truck and about half of the total prize money, in the $80-90K range.

Truth be told, if you aren’t one of the first three or four into Nome, you are probably out of pocket for the race unless you have sponsors. Just think what it costs to feed 16 sled dogs who are working hard for two weeks.

In case you were wondering, when I was in Alaska, I was not aware of a business that was unable to deal with gold as readily as greenbacks, including bars.


1 Cookie Jill { 03.05.08 at 11:34 pm }

Speaking of $$$$….(or in my case $) and “races”…..

Charlie Brown, not only has a cool memorable name, but he’s retired Air Force, too, and he’s running for Congress for the indicted John Doolittle’s seat in NoCal. (CA-4)


A State Senator in my neck of the woods (SoCal – CA-19) is now running against him. McClintock says that he’s had a house up there for awhile and is now living up there (while “representing” us down here….)

2 Bryan { 03.06.08 at 12:06 am }

That’s weird because the rule in Florida is simple – to run or hold an office you have to be able to “vote for yourself”.

We sort of lost a state senator to that when his family had him committed. He didn’t lose his office because he was committed, it was because the mental health facility was in a different senate district.

I would think that California required something like that, but perhaps not.