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Who Thought This Was A Good Idea? — Why Now?
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Who Thought This Was A Good Idea?

The Associated Press reveals the Hedgemony’s latest agitprop tactic: Dear Taxpayer: This letter cost you $42 million

WASHINGTON – At a cost of nearly $42 million, the IRS wants you to know: Your check is almost in the mail.

The Internal Revenue Service is spending the money on letters to alert taxpayers to expect rebate checks as part of the economic stimulus plan.

The notices are going out this month to an estimated 130 million households who filed returns for the 2006 tax year, at a cost $41.8 million, IRS spokesman John Lipold confirmed.

This is to improve the image of the Hedgemony by showing that they are dealing with the “economic slowdown” and are in control so don’t worry. Another $42 million wasted on a PR stunt.