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Warning, Will Robinson, Warning! — Why Now?
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Warning, Will Robinson, Warning!

If you receive an e-mail supposedly from “Yahoo 360”, proceed with caution. Nod32 went ballistic when it saw it, we are talking lights and sirens, because of something in the message.


1 Scorpio { 03.14.08 at 9:05 pm }

I’ve heard Yahoo360’s a nasty virus — kill and then empty trash.

2 Badtux { 03.14.08 at 10:50 pm }

I’ll be sure to click on it, because I own a Mac :p. <– that’s a tongue sticking out

— Badtux the Happy Mac’ing Penguin

3 Bryan { 03.14.08 at 11:08 pm }

It never made it to to a final form, Scorpio, thanks to my virus software, but it was definitely jarring, not a polite little box about untoward behavior.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Try switching when your income depends on people who refuse to use anything but Win boxes, BT.

4 Badtux { 03.15.08 at 12:30 am }

One word, Bryan: VMware.

I make my living hacking Linux distributions into little embedded boxes like those little cable router/firewall thingies. Doesn’t stop me from using my Macbook to do all of my development!

– Badtux the MacPenguin