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RIP Arthur C. Clarke 1917-2008 — Why Now?
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RIP Arthur C. Clarke 1917-2008

The BBC announced his death and provides this brief Obituary

Science fiction writer Sir Arthur C Clarke has died at the age of 90 in Sri Lanka.

Once called “the first dweller in the electronic cottage”, his vision of the future, and its technology – popularised in films like 2001: A Space Odyssey – captured the popular imagination.

Arthur C Clarke’s vivid – and detailed – descriptions of space shuttles, super-computers and rapid communications systems were enjoyed by millions of readers around the world.

His writings gave science fiction – a genre often accused of veering towards the fantastical – a refreshingly human and practical face.

Clarke’s ideas and gadgets engaged his readers because of, not despite, their plausibility. Quite often, his fictional musings formed the basis of what we now see as science fact.

His were among the first books in the genre that I read, and he managed to keep the science in science fiction.


1 LadyMin { 03.18.08 at 8:34 pm }

I just saw that headline go by on my news page. 🙁

He was one of my favorites… a true visionary. He will be missed.

RIP Sir Arthur.

2 Bryan { 03.18.08 at 9:37 pm }

He was one of the best of the “hard” science fiction writers, although the quality dipped in his later years.

Wars and tsunamis – he saw it all.