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Bad Timing — Why Now?
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Bad Timing

So I wander out the mailbox and what is waiting for me, but a plea for money disguised as a survey for the Democratic National Committee.

I think question 12 is the one that really, truly demonstrates the disconnect from reality that surrounds these people:

12. How concerned are you that Republican voter suppression schemes will disenfranchise Democrats and impact the outcome of the presidential race?

Just a few friendly hints, Howard:

  1. This is really not a good time for the DNC to be asking for money from Floridians.
  2. You really shouldn’t mention disenfranchisement for the next two or three decades in the Sunshine State.
  3. It is now the 48 State Strategy.

Update: Rasmussen just called on the landline for a political survey, but I couldn’t participate because the numbers on the phone currently connected to the landline weren’t working. Well, at least it reminded me to fix the phone and it saved Rasmussen from recording my opinions.


1 Becki Jayne { 03.20.08 at 5:28 pm }

Well, it is up to DNC on Michigan now, too.

I put a post up on how the chances of a Michigan revote died this afternoon.


2 Bryan { 03.20.08 at 5:43 pm }

When you need a two-thirds vote in both houses to get it through, and one of the houses is controlled by the Republicans, there really wasn’t much chance of success, and one of the campaigns gave the Republicans political cover by not supporting the re-vote.

3 distributorcap { 03.20.08 at 8:21 pm }

dean really screwed up………

do you think we will learn for 2012 — NOT A CHANCE

4 Bryan { 03.20.08 at 9:10 pm }

I don’t blame him, he has very little control over what has happened and that is a problem. The committees are autonomous as near as I can tell and they aren’t looking at the big picture, only the small piece that they control. No one is in charge of the overall effort. The Senate runs their own operation, the House runs theirs, the states run theirs. The DNC is supposed to be in charge, but it only controls bits and pieces of the system and is supposed to be building the party infrastructure.

Howard will get the blame because he isn’t running for office and he has a title, but there’s more than enough blame to go around.

5 Moi { 03.21.08 at 6:24 am }

I got one of those, too. I just throw them all in the trash now. If I gave them money, it would be like throwing *that* in the trash. The economy sucks now. Sucks to be them.

It’s a shame, because I really believed in Dean four years ago.

6 Bryan { 03.21.08 at 10:19 am }

The money should have been gathered before the elections got rolling and the economy really took a beating. Timing is everything, and the time is not now.