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Vernal Equinox — Why Now?
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Vernal Equinox

It’s that time of year. Spring arrived at 48 minutes after midnight [CDT] this morning [that was also the temperature in degrees F]. You can watch the seasons come and go at Archæoastronomy.

The air is already filled with pollen, the live oaks are starting to drop last year’s leaves, and some of the feral cats are preggers.


1 andante { 03.20.08 at 9:06 pm }

Oh, noes!

Potential population explosion at Chez Dumka?

2 Bryan { 03.20.08 at 11:50 pm }

There will be a lot of births, but nature is not kind to feral kittens, and mother cats don’t always make the wisest of choices as to where to have them, and then where to keep them afterward.

It will be a major pain looking under the car every time you leave to be sure there are no kittens in or around it.