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Bloggy News — Why Now?
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Bloggy News

Notes from around blogtopia that you may have missed.

Lisa at All Hat and No Cattle has returned to her base in Alabama from Costa Rica, but her “stuff”, including her computer hasn’t shown up. She hoping for mañana.

Badtux is spending the week in the desert, leaving The Mighty Fang and Mencken in charge. If you are interested in an apartment full of stuff, they only accept the primo ‘nip.

On Sunday, John McKay at archy celebrated his fifth blogiversary, which certainly qualifies as a middle-aged blog.

Mustang Bobby has had a brush with infinity…make that T-boned an Infiniti. No humans were seriously injured, but the world is now short one candy apple red Mustang convertible. It is amazing how that car was apparently invisible to the driver of the Infiniti making a left turn right in front of Bobby.


1 Cookie Jill { 03.25.08 at 10:19 pm }

Seems here that almost all cars are invisible to those behind the wheels of BMW’s and Benzers.

Apparently those folks are “entitled” to hog the entire road, run red lights, turn left at “no left turn zones”, etc.

2 Bryan { 03.25.08 at 10:44 pm }

Teh problem down here are SUVs and pick-ups whose drivers tend to ignore anything smaller.