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A Potential New Record — Why Now?
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A Potential New Record

From Dr. Jeff Masters we learn: The U.S. is getting pummeled this hurricane season

With hurricane season less than half over, it’s clear that the U.S. is taking an unusually harsh beating this year. Already, we’ve had two Category 2 hurricanes (Dolly and Gustav), two strong tropical storms (Edouard and Fay), and now a third strong tropical storm or Category 1 hurricane (Hanna). Hanna is the fifth consecutive named storm to hit the U.S., tying a record. The other years this happened (kudos to NOAA’s Ryan Sharp for compiling this):

2004 (Frances, Gaston, Hermine, Ivan, and Jeanne)
2002 (Edouard, Fay, Gustav, Hanna, and Isidore)
1985 (Gloria, Henri, Isabel, Juan, and Kate)
1979 (Bob, Claudette, David, Elena, and Frederic)
1971 (Doria, Edith, Fern, Ginger, Heidi)

There’s good chance that Ike will make it six consecutive strikes.

Is this where we start chanting USA! USA!


1 Jack K., the Grumpy Forester { 09.05.08 at 8:16 pm }

Looks like that record is going to be broken with Ike…

2 Bryan { 09.05.08 at 8:22 pm }

I noticed something that means, of course, absolutely nothing but I’m always looking for patterns: Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and this year Bush again. It must be a liberal Democratic plot 😈

3 hipparchia { 09.05.08 at 8:50 pm }

nonono! this is where we start chanting go a way! go a way!

4 Bryan { 09.05.08 at 8:58 pm }

That’s affirmative.

5 A New Record — Why Now? { 09.15.08 at 10:57 am }

[…] I mentioned before in A Potential New Record, if Ike made a landfall in the the US, it would set a new […]