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Sorry About That — Why Now?
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Sorry About That

There were two things going on that made this site and Steve Bates’s place difficult to reach this morning:

  1. My host is reblocking IP addresses to make operations more efficient and expand some of their capabilities, and;
  2. The host is under a distributed denial of service [DDOS] attack probably from Romania, that began at 2:30AM CDT, but is getting worse. The attack is using large blocks of addresses, so a lot of people are being turned away automatically.

They seem to have a handle on the DDOS attack, although we’re now behind a firewall blocking most of Romania.

In addition, Sitemeter is updating this weekend, so that could hang up loading from time to time.

Steve, doesn’t know any of this because he’s dealing IWS [Internet Withdrawal Syndrome] due to the loss of power.

On the Hurricane Front – for the first time since August 15 there are no named storms in the Atlantic Basin. It looks like things are quieting down for a week or so.


1 fallenmonk { 09.14.08 at 7:41 pm }

When it rains it pours. I actually had no trouble today reaching the site though I only was trying in early morning and mid afternoon.

2 Bryan { 09.14.08 at 8:27 pm }

I, on the other hand, had major problems and it was the last site I was able to access late this morning after hours of trying. At least they are preparing for the IPv6 change which should be available “real soon now”.

3 Kryten42 { 09.14.08 at 9:51 pm }

I also had severe trouble last night with your blog (my time of course). But now it’s fine. 🙂

Thanks for the explanation. Gives me another chance to say… “What a World”(tm) 😉 Heh…

4 Bryan { 09.14.08 at 11:59 pm }

I’m just happy there was nothing coming ashore, because it is really frustrating when you have a post ready to go, and you can’t do anything about it.