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Israeli Election — Why Now?
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Israeli Election

The whole rest of the world is going to have had elections before the US election comes around. The latest is the election for the leader of the Kadima party in Israel. The BBC reports: Livni claims win in Israeli vote

Tzipi Livni has claimed victory in the contest to lead Israel’s ruling Kadima party with exit polls suggesting she had clear margin.

The foreign minister told supporters in a radio broadcast that “the good guys” had won after the ballot by members of the party.

However, BBC correspondents say the margin could be much narrower than earlier predicted.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is resigning amid corruption allegations.

Two television exit polls suggested Ms Livni had beaten Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz by a margin of 48% to 37%.

But the BBC’s Tim Franks in Jerusalem says that as the results rolled in, Ms Livni’s camp was saying she might have won by only around two per cent.

Exit polls have been unreliable in the past.

Critics say Ms Livni, a former Mossad spy, lacks political experience.

How refreshing, a former spy instead of a former general.  They are expanding their possibilities.


1 Kryten42 { 09.18.08 at 2:24 am }

What a great start. The election is barely over and they are lying and propagandizing already! LOL That certainly bodes well for the future.

Mossad… A General would have been preferable. They have some sense of reality and some scruples. She would certainly know where the skeletons are… she probably helped put them there. Much like CIA Cheney really.


2 Bryan { 09.18.08 at 11:43 am }

This general, Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz, is a whacko, almost as bad as Netanyahu, who thinks military action is the answer.

The problem is that at this point I think Netanyahu will be the next prime minister, because I’m not sure she can form a government. At least that will take place after our election, and there is always some hope of sanity returning to the US government.

3 Kryten42 { 09.18.08 at 11:47 pm }

Hmmm. You have a point. So… which is better? A leader everyone knows is crazy (the General), or one who is possibly worse but smiles and appears friendly just before the knife goes in? 😉

4 Bryan { 09.19.08 at 12:08 am }

Anything is better than Netanyahu, but I think he’s going to take over after the debacle of the Lebanon War. The Likud looks stronger than anyone else.