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Recession Scorecard — Why Now?
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Recession Scorecard

Currently there are official recessions in : Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, and New Zealand.  The US, Latvia, Italy, Spain, and Portugal are not looking well.  Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Taiwan are “sneezing”.


1 Moi { 09.28.08 at 9:57 am }

Does that mean there will be travel deals to Ireland? I’m game 😉

2 Moi { 09.28.08 at 10:01 am }

BTW I am not being mean, I think it came off that way. But the Euro and the Pound are worth so much more than the dollar….

3 Bryan { 09.28.08 at 10:43 am }

No good deals unless we clean up our own mess. If we didn’t have the TSA acting like the KGB we could have been making some money off the exchange difference with Canadian and European tourists looking for a “cheap” vacation.

Remind me again about the advantages of having a guy with an MBA in the White House.