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Autumnal Equinox — Why Now?
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Autumnal Equinox

You can watch the arrival of the equinox at Archæoastronomy. It takes place at 4:18 PM CDT this afternoon.

It’s time to man the rakes in northern climes.


1 LadyMin { 09.22.09 at 1:39 pm }

I really hate that it gets dark earlier. Once the equinox passes, the amount of daylight gets short quickly.

My trees are already dropping leaves. The apple tree and the walnut tree had a very productive year… so I have that mess to clean up too. And each of my trees will drop it’s leave a different week so that I am always raking.
.-= last blog ..Pool Party =-.

2 Bryan { 09.22.09 at 2:50 pm }

We don’t get the late sunsets that occur up North, so we don’t the really early ones in the winter.

Actually, the live oaks shed their leaves in the Spring, so we get two seasons of raking. The sugarberries and pear trees with start changing shortly, but we are green year round… except for the aftermath of hurricanes, which seem unlikely this year.