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Guiberson Fire [Ventura County] 9-24 — Why Now?
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Guiberson Fire [Ventura County] 9-24

FireThe fire has burned 17,400 acres of mostly grassland and is 65% contained. The windy, high temperature, low humidity weather conditions continue.  One outbuilding has been destroyed.

The nearest town, Moorpark, has been through this before.

Campus Canyon Elementary, Walnut Canyon Elementary and Moorpark College have reopened.

In additional to farms and ranches, the fire is threatening oil production fields, five 220-kilovolt power lines, and a 36-foot above-ground gas line.

The fire started at approximately 10:33 AM PDT on 22 September south of Guiberson Road in Ventura County. Probable cause is suspected to be the spontaneous combustion of manure mulch at a ranch.

There have been 9 reported injuries among firefighters.

Currently there are 266 engines, 63 hand crews, 32 bulldozers, 23 water tenders, 21 helicopters, 8 air tankers, and 2,750 personnel assigned to the fire. To date cost $5.0 million.

Links: Cal Fire Guiberson Fire page, the Enplan Wildfire Viewer, the LA Times Wildfires Page, and their Guiberson Fire Map.

[For more information go to the CATEGORIES drop-down box below the CALENDAR and select “Fires” for all of the posts related to wildfires on this site.]


1 oldwhitelady { 09.24.09 at 9:15 pm }

That’s so awful! So, what happens? Is it because of hot weather beating down on the mulch…chemicals break down and catch fire?

2 Bryan { 09.24.09 at 10:52 pm }

It’s a chemical reaction as the mulch decomposes. You can get the same thing in a hay mow if the hay gets wet. It will start breaking down, and can burst into flame if you don’t catch it in time. This is one of the reasons you fork compost – to prevent the internal build up of heat which can ignite the methane that will be produced by the decomposition.

3 cookie jill { 09.25.09 at 2:59 am }

It’s been freakin’ hot here today.

Up to 98 in some areas of town. For us…that’s freakin’ hot. Most of the homes here do not have air conditioning…we’ve never really needed it. Never really got THAT hot.

.-= last blog ..The Burger Bus =-.

4 Bryan { 09.25.09 at 9:02 am }

It’s time for an afternoon movie – if they didn’t cost so much these days.

5 cookie jill { 09.25.09 at 10:43 am }

Tuesday are now really cheap movie days. Before 6:00 – $5 after $7
Matinees on other days (before 6:00) – $6.75

Too bad there aren’t many movies out I care to see
.-= last blog ..The Burger Bus =-.

6 Bryan { 09.25.09 at 11:38 am }

That is about half what they charge here, must be the reduced transportation costs 😉