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First Salvo In The War On X-Mas — Why Now?
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First Salvo In The War On X-Mas

The Pensacola News Journal reports that Christmas decorating off for ’09. The group in charge of the decorating, which is financed by business taxes, has canceled the decorations for this Christmas season for a totally secular reason – they are broke.

This happens when you cut taxes continuously and don’t establish “rainy day” funds for the bad times, activities financed by the activities run out of money and have to shut down.

A major problem with business development in the South is that the first thing that is offered is tax avoidance. This leads to a situation where there are only a few paying the taxes that are used to promote business. When growth falters or the small businesses paying the taxes fail, the house of cards collapses.


1 Steve Bates { 09.28.09 at 10:17 am }

“First Salvo In The War On X-Mas”

Hmm. Would the first salvo in an hypothetical War on Easter be called a “salvation”?
.-= last blog ..~Friday ~Cat ~Blogging =-.

2 Steve Bates { 09.28.09 at 10:21 am }

(^&*$#% caching problem appears to affect even your last-blog display. Yes, there’s a new post on the YSS this morning, and no, it’s apparently not showing up…)
.-= last blog ..Who’s Next? =-.

3 Bryan { 09.28.09 at 11:30 am }

That’s bad, Steve.

It caught it on the second post after 4 minutes, and I saw the post this morning, without having to reload. I think the widget uses a cache [Google?], rather than just visiting the site.