Stamp Out Hunger
The National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual food drive, Stamp Out Hunger, takes place in most areas this Saturday, May 8th. This is a major source for the nation’s food pantries who are having a hard time keeping up with demand.
Fill a bag with non-perishables and leave it by your mail box if you can. If you don’t have a mail box, most post offices will have a collection point.
While the USPS provides some support, this effort is driven by the carriers themselves.
Thanks for the reminder. I try and remember this but this year it slipped up on me. I will post a link and reminder as well.
.-= last blog ..Stamping Out Hunger =-.
Thanks, Bryan. I’ll surely forget, so I just texted Stella about it, and she will just as surely remember.
I recall in the bad years of St. Ronnie Reagan, when I was cycling to work every day on a path under bayou bridges. Each bridge had one or two homeless people sleeping under it. Some of those had alarm clocks beside their sleeping bags. IOW, they were employed but still homeless… the “lucky duckies,” I suppose. When I saw that, I volunteered for the then-equivalent of today’s Houston Food Bank. They were overwhelmed with requests. I’m afraid those “bad old days” are coming back to us, if they’re not already here.
It’s a good cause and run by good people, a union.
People are always bad mouthing the Post Office, well they don’t leave packages outside to be rained on like the guys in the brown trucks; they don’t require that you find their secret cave in an industrial park like others; and they have never lost anything I have ever shipped from anywhere in the world.
People are hurting, and this gusher is going to make things even worse. Even if we can keep it off the beaches, it is already killing everything in the Gulf.