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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Table For One

Friday Cat Blogging

Nom, nom, nom…

[Editor: Molly is enjoying her dinner in solitude. The yard guy had been using the obnoxious weed whacker and the others were still in hiding.]

Friday Ark


1 Jams O'Donnell { 05.14.10 at 2:31 am }

Ah there’s nothing like a bit of peace to get on with the important tasks!
.-= last blog ..Boris again =-.

2 Badtux { 05.14.10 at 10:21 am }

Looks like Molly is gettin’ the good stuff today (or, rather, yesterday) — actual meat, rather than kibble!
.-= last blog ..Out of kindness, I suppose =-.

3 Moi;) { 05.14.10 at 2:07 pm }

Spam spam spam?! 😉

Really, at first I thought she was eating a rock, lol….
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Bloggging: Shuz =-.

4 Bryan { 05.14.10 at 3:36 pm }

Yes, Jams, she finds it really annoying to have to pause in eating to sink claws into other cats.

It’s actually just the appetizer, Badtux, but very usual if you are trying to get medication to an individual feral cat. The meal was basically rice and mackeral with vitamins and some leftovers added for color. The kibble is in large bowls at the feeding station.

That’s how she wants it, Moi. She doesn’t want to eat from the dishes. About half the time she eat from a magnolia leaf on the lawn. She’s old, so she doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

5 oldwhitelady { 05.16.10 at 8:46 am }

Yum..looks like hamburger. Molly’s probably thinking it’s a funny looking mouse, but tasty just the same:)
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Blogging – Two happy kitties =-.

6 Bryan { 05.16.10 at 11:44 am }

Actually, I had used hamburger in their rice for a while, but I can’t get it with enough fat to make it tasty and nutritious enough for the cats. Cats need and can tolerate more fat than dogs.

This stuff is to cover the possibility that somecat has dental problems and can’t crunch the kibble.