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In Other News — Why Now?
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In Other News

The winter weather that is making the Forester Grumpy is spreading across the Northern Plains, but Alberta hasn’t seen any precipitation and wildfires are the result:

Firefighters are bracing for another tough day battling a brushfire north of Edmonton after the blaze doubled in size and destroyed a home

The fire has grown from around 1,000 hectares to more than 2,500 since noon Thursday and has spread into Sturgeon County.

The number of firefighters on the scene is expected to double Friday to about 250, and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development is expected to send in water bombers.

It is going to be a long fire season.

Apparently due to a sharp rise the price of mutton, Britain is now dealing with sheep rustlers. They aren’t making off with one or two; they are taking entire flocks.

Meanwhile, Adobe & Apple are continuing to tell the world how much they loathe each other. It takes decades to foster this kind childishness.


1 Jack K., the Grumpy Forester { 05.14.10 at 11:12 pm }

…thanks for the link, Bryan…

…and, yes, it is going to be a long fire season. The Winter That Never Was has spanned much of the left side of the country and the lack of snow pack, coupled with a lingering wet spring, almost guarantees the worst possible combination of drought-induced low fuel moisture in larger fuels and conditions favorable for the production of fine fuels (grasses and such)…

We may well live in “Interesting Times” this summer…

2 Badtux { 05.14.10 at 11:20 pm }

The Adobe and Apple squabble has gotten kinda hilarious here in the Silly Cone Valley. They’re taking out full-page ads in the San Jose Murky News and bending the ears of their respective favorite tech reporters. Oh well, at least it means the local newspapers get a month’s worth of income in a few days as these two sets of arrogant children squabble with each other :). I love the tech industry, heh!

– Badtux the Geeky Penguin

3 Bryan { 05.14.10 at 11:27 pm }

The jet stream was out of whack and way too far South for months, which gave us a colder and wetter than average winter, but it has gone back North and we are getting a warmer than normal spring.

Yeah, the Pacific Northwest looks like it is in for another long and bad season.

4 Bryan { 05.14.10 at 11:41 pm }

I notice that Adobe made a point of advertising on Engadget, no doubt simply from spite.

Adobe has always been annoying, but when Woz was around you could get things done at Apple. Steve takes his “guru” status entirely too seriously.

Oh, well, at least the media guys are making some coin, and the rest of us can just enjoy the show.

5 hipparchia { 05.14.10 at 11:51 pm }

a sharp rise in the price of mutton? what precipitated that?

6 Bryan { 05.15.10 at 12:02 am }

A Euro/Pound shift made imported mutton more expensive, so the imports went down. Of course before that happened many British sheep farmers went under, so there’s a temporary shortage.

7 cookie jill { 05.16.10 at 12:18 am }

Yeah…we’ve already got a couple of fires going this evening.
.-= last blog ..why are some democrats urging a yes vote on 16 =-.

8 Bryan { 05.16.10 at 11:31 am }

Yep, just enough rain for mud slides and light fuel, Jill.