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Strike Three — Why Now?
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Strike Three

Gulf Gusher symbolThey screwed up the blowout preventer, so it didn’t work. [Strike One!]

They made no provision for hydrate formation in their containment vessel. [Strike Two!]

And now McClatchy reports that BP’s latest bid to cap Gulf oil leak fails

MIAMI — BP failed Saturday to thread a mile-long tube into the broken pipe spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico, but officials said efforts to break up the oil underwater seemed to be working.

The Environmental Protection Agency gave BP the go-ahead on Saturday to use dispersants, chemicals that break the oil into small droplets and keep it from rising to the surface.

“It appears that the application of the subsea dispersant is actually working,” BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said. “The oil in the vicinity of the well is diminished from previous observations.”

Isn’t that peachy. Because of the dispersants the oil doesn’t come to the surface where it can be contained by booms and skimmed off or burnt. it is emulsifying so it can flow under the booms into the wetlands and kill even more fish, and other sea creatures.