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Florida Elections — Why Now?
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Florida Elections

The Miami Herald reports on Florida election fraud problem: GOP firm fired for flawed voter registration in Palm Beach County had issues in other counties, states.

The Republican Party of Florida hired the firm recommended by the National GOP, and the firm was submitting fraudulent registration forms. This had nothing to do with in-person fraud, this was institutional fraud by a Republican-employed company. The local supervisors of elections didn’t need all of the new laws to detect the fraud and report it, just as they always have.

Among other things, if the Republican Party can’t find an honest contractor for something as simple as voter registration with their own money, how can they be trusted to hire contractors for government services with public money?

The Local Puppy Trainer ran a piece on all of the amendments on the November ballot: EDITORIAL: Florida’s amendment jumble

People who picked up our Monday newspaper probably noticed the proposed Florida constitutional amendments that covered pages A6 and A7. The ballot title, ballot summary and full text of each amendment were printed in huge, gray expanses of near-microscopic type. It made for tough reading.

Sorry, but the secretary of state purchased that ad space and that’s how he wanted the amendments to look.

None of the amendments that made it to the ballot were championed primarily by citizens groups. All originated in, or were sponsored by, the Legislature. Some were promoted along party lines, usually with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed; others enjoyed bipartisan support.

The GOP doesn’t want you to know what is actually in the amendments or you might not like them. The solution is to vote NO on all of them so you don’t have to worry about the real purpose behind them.