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Further Down The Rabbit Hole — Why Now?
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Further Down The Rabbit Hole

You should see the xkcd cartoon today, as it functions on multiple levels.

Then drop by Charlie Pierce’s and read Mark Warren’s interview with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

A lot of people thought the Democrats had given up the store again by starting negotiations for funding at the Sequester level because we didn’t know that the Continuing Resolution was the result of negotiations between Harry Reid and John Boehner. This is what Boehner said he needed to get it through the House, but he obviously can’t get it through.

The take-away is that it is pointless to negotiate with Boehner, because he can’t deliver. Apparently the Speaker of the House is nothing more than the public spokesman for the cluster of people who have decided they will call themselves Republicans. There is no order, no common purpose, and no unit cohesion – it is just a mob.