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2013 October 30 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Tech News You Can Use

… Or not, depending on your attitude.

The BBC reports Dell users: Latitude 6430u laptops ‘smell of cat urine’. Actually ‘cat urine’ isn’t quite strong enough as several users were of the opinion that their tomcats had ‘sprayed’ their computer. If you have ever owned a tomcat and were foolish enough not to have them neutered before they could even dream of marking, you know that the resulting odor is urine on steroids and growth hormones. Trust me, better a skunk than a tomcat.

It turns out that the odor was the result of the process used in manufacturing the keyboard surround, and, in a break with former Dell tradition, they will replace the offending slab of plastic.

On a more serious note, I heard someone opining on the radio that the government has to out-source its IT projects because IT graduates don’t want to work for the low salaries that the government offers. Sorry, but the government should advertize for job openings in the tech world and prepare for the flood of applications from experienced IT professionals who have been replaced by H1B slaves from Asia.

They might not make what they were making at their last job, but it would be a job with health insurance that paid better than clerking at convenience stores or big box retailers. It would be a wonderful idea to have some people who were on the government’s payroll reviewing the IT contracts. It would be extremely difficult to hire away senior people who have already been screwed over by ‘the private sector’.

October 30, 2013   13 Comments