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2013 October 14 — Why Now?
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Today In The Government Shutdown

Noz notes that Next up in real world consequences of fake crises, the Federal Courts had funding for ten business days, so civil trials will probably be suspended tomorrow until the shutdown is over.

While Lindsey Graham is flouncing in the Senate over being ignored, Ayn Rand Paul Ryan is providing the House with a hissy fit, because negotiations have sifted to the Senate.

If they feel ignored, it is nothing like what the House Republicans did to Boehner. As Rook notes, Eric Cantor given control of House. Only Cantor apparently has the power to call for a vote on the Senate plan under a change to the House Standing Rules. Not much point in talking to Boehner if he hasn’t got the power to do anything but talk.

While Charlie Pierce reflects his personal anger at what Ted Cruz did at the WWII Veterans Memorial in his post: The Grave Robbers In Washington. He isn’t as upset as the Million Vet March organizers:

The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC yesterday was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle was and remains about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner. Our love for and our dedication to remains with Veterans, regardless of party affiliation or political leanings.

If this mess continues much longer, the VA won’t be able to pay the November benefits, and then things could get really ‘interesting’ for the people behind the shutdown.

The Senate negotiators act like they have some kind of deal, but two days is not a lot of time to get anything passed in both Houses and signed by the President.

October 14, 2013   2 Comments

It’s A Holiday

It’s the second Monday in October, so it is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. Have a happy one.

The US Federal government has decided to call it Columbus Day, even though it should be the 12th of October which was the second Wednesday in 1492. But it’s okay that the holiday is on the wrong day, because Christopher Columbus [AKA: Cristoforo Colombo, Cristóbal Colón] didn’t find what he was looking for and identified what he did find incorrectly. The important thing is that a large area of the map got changed from “here be dragons and sea serpents,” to “here be gold and cannibals” and no mention was made of the oppressive heat, mosquitoes, or hurricanes.


October 14, 2013   Comments Off on It’s A Holiday