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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Hermit in Profile

Friday Cat Blogging


[Editor: The Hermit is enjoying the heat that was absorbed in the patio blocks while considering failing to catch a squirrel.]

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 10.12.13 at 3:16 am }

while considering failing to catch a squirrel

every once in a while some small four-footed, fur-covered, naked-tailed small animal finds its way into the house… and my fierce ferals all leap to the top of the nearest bookcase.

2 Bryan { 10.12.13 at 3:00 pm }

Hermit makes an enthusiastic effort to actually catch squirrels, but she is absolutely terrible at it. She moves too soon, and get faked out by the tree rats.

3 Badtux { 10.12.13 at 7:30 pm }

Would she even know what to do if she caught one? I know my guys would look at me as if, “what now?” if they actually caught any of the things they try to catch. On the other hand, the only thing they’re a mighty hunter of is kibble, so… :).

4 Bryan { 10.12.13 at 7:44 pm }

If she got one only the tail would be left, she is feral, and it was part of the weaning process. Her mom does catch them when she feels like it.

Yeah, my indoor cats would do a ‘catch and release’ to chase it again and destroy even more stuff, like they do with the occasional lizard.