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It’s OK If You’re Elected — Why Now?
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It’s OK If You’re Elected

Charlie Pierce commented on the unusual behavior by an employee of the House of Representatives at last night’s vote on opening the government, using the article from USA Today, and then compares it to statements by Michele Bachmann and Ted Cruz.

Unlike USA Today, CNN has most of her remarks:

“Do not be deceived. God shall not be mocked. A House divided cannot stand,” she said, according to a House GOP aide. After a few seconds, she was escorted out by the Sergeant-at-Arms, but an audio recording by Todd Zwillich of Public Radio International captured the rest of her rant.

“He will not be mocked, He will not be mocked, (don’t touch me) He will not be mocked. The greatest deception here, is that this is not one nation under God. It never was. Had it been… it would not have been… No. it would not have been… the Constitution would not have been written by Free Masons… and go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, Lord Jesus Christ.”

They characterized it as a ‘rant’ and the Capitol Police turned her over to the medics for a psych eval because she was just an employee. If she had been elected it would be part of the Congressional Record, and in a fund-raising letter.


1 Badtux { 10.18.13 at 1:21 am }

And now we find out that her husband is a preacher and thinks she was relaying a message from God.

Uhm, no, dude. She had a psychotic breakdown. Let’s see, crazed rantings of a woman in the midst of a psychotic breakdown. Crazed rantings of a great sky demon. Y’know, if the two are so close that ya can’t tell the difference, doesn’t this mean that this guy’s great sky demon is crazier than Charlie Sheen? Just askin’!

2 Bryan { 10.18.13 at 9:46 am }

The Free Mason reference tends to totally remove it from the realm of the religious and drops solidly into the political conspiracy drawer, filed under whackoes. If they had let her go on I’m sure there would have been relevant passages from the Elders of Zion and finally Agenda 21.

The Republicans want the votes of these people and their money, but call the police when they get too close.

3 Steve Bates { 10.18.13 at 7:32 pm }

I’m amazed the outburst wasn’t by Bachmann. I’ve been terrified of her ever since I first saw that pic on the cover of Newsweek, the one with her jewel-bright eyes and a grin conveying anything but rationality. That poor House employee was surely nuts, all right, but Bachmann… Dog help us if she ever holds a higher office than Representative.

But what do I know. I am the nephew of a Freemason, and I have listened to music by another noted Freemason twice already this week. So I am not to be trusted…

4 Bryan { 10.18.13 at 8:29 pm }

I think that Bachmann’s eyes may be related to her migraines. Migraines affect vision is some people, but there isn’t a lot known about the problem, much less how to deal with it.

I’m also the nephew of a Freemason and was considering joining because I was being encouraged by some people I knew, but they expected you to be respectful and law-abiding, so it wasn’t for me. I’m going to write about them this weekend.