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The Official Version — Why Now?
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The Official Version

HR 2775 – Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 [PDF], the final Government Printing Office copy.

The House roll call vote showing my Congresscritter, Jefferson Beauregard Miller of FL-1, voted against ending the stupidity.

The Senate roll call vote showing my junior Senator, Marco Rubio, voted against ending the stupidity.

McClatchy noted that on page 20 they included: “Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, there is appropriated for payment to Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg, widow of Frank R. Lautenberg, late a Senator from New Jersey, $174,000”. This is a Congressional courtesy thing, sending a year’s pay to the surviving spouse of a member who dies in office, so what was it doing in a bill needed to avoid the destruction of the US credit rating? Frank Lautenberg had tens of millions of dollars in assets, so his wife wasn’t in desperate straits like the mothers and children who depend on programs like WIC. These people are really not connected to the world the rest of us live in.