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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Looking for Trouble

Friday Cat Blogging

[Editor: Ms Underhouse is back from ‘catspace’ and looking for something to beat up or eat. The perfect feral mother cat.]

Friday Ark


1 ellroon { 10.18.13 at 1:18 pm }

Catspace? In hiding with kittens? Just hiding? Or just zoned out and staring?

2 Bryan { 10.18.13 at 2:17 pm }

Catspace is where cats go when they don’t want to deal with humans. You know they are there, but you will never find them, as everyone who has ever lived with a cat learns.

She is the current alpha female and mother of most of the feral cats currently around. She is also an efficient hunter, which means she doesn’t have to come by at night to eat. She is always looking and listening.

3 Steve Bates { 10.18.13 at 6:23 pm }

And it’s not just ferals. Yesterday we had some major work done on our A/C… two guys up in the attic and outside as well… and our cats quite sensibly vanished, somewhere inside the house. Catspace; what else would you call it! Stella got home from work about an hour after all the A/C work was done, couldn’t find Lily and freaked. Oh, no! she’s escaped! No, Stella, she’s doing what a smart indoor cat does when the attic is full of noisy people… she hides. Sure enough, within a couple hours, Lily reappeared as if nothing had happened.

4 Bryan { 10.18.13 at 8:34 pm }

Koshka was amazing in her ability to evaporate. If someone knocked on the door, she was no longer in existence. Long after they were gone, she would reappear and complain about strangers being in her house.

The only way I could prove she existed was to go outside and tap on her favorite window. She would appear to find out what I wanted.