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Preparing For Battle — Why Now?
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Preparing For Battle

In sports, the military, and politics leaders are expected to inspire their followers for the coming ‘battle’ with a great speech. Probably the greatest example of the genre is the St. Crispen’s Day Speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V.

So I was a bit surprised to find out that in the caucus meeting for their final attempt at relevance, the House Republicans decided to have Steve Southerland, of Florida’s Second District [just East of me] sing Amazing Grace.

Now, I’m sure that he is very accomplished at singing that particular song, as he has call to do it a lot, which is why he knows all the verses. What puzzles me is why they decided to have a funeral director begin that meeting in that way if they were planning to do anything other than surrender? Did they follow up with a recitation of the 23rd Psalm?


1 Badtux { 10.18.13 at 12:59 am }

They chose that song because it’s a favorite of Supply Side Jesus, the savior they worship, who took food from children’s mouths and said unto the sick, “die quickly for your puling offends me.” You are ascribing context beyond what is mentally possible for these people, who by and large would have in an earlier generation either been hung as thieves or interned in an institution for the feeble-minded.

2 Bryan { 10.18.13 at 9:57 am }

You can’t take them anywhere because they don’t know how to behave in public. Most of them are probably banned from Chuck E. Cheese’s for their behavior problems. They have forgotten everything they learned in kindergarten. When things go wrong they will take your ball and go home.