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The Schmucks Who Stole Christmas — Why Now?
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The Schmucks Who Stole Christmas

If you are a retailer, you are probably calling suppliers to cut back on your Christmas orders, because this is not going to be a merry Christmas season. People who were affected by the October shutdown are going to be paying off that disaster and preparing for round two in January – Christmas is not going to be a big item on their shopping list.

Based on their comments, the NRPS Congresscritters learned nothing other than to not trust establishment Republicans. People should have learned not to trust the GOP at all.

The ‘deal’ that was worked out might make the “pundits” happy, but it is definitely not what retailers wanted to hear. The problem is going to show up the consumer confidence numbers which were already bad, and are probably going to get worse.

If they screw around and do more cutting, we may well head into recession. Too many people have no jobs and no money because there is no demand. Cutting government demand only makes things worse. Even the IMF has finally figured that out, so why can’t Obama? The Village needs to stop backing the policies that are burying Greece.