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More On Obamacare — Why Now?
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More On Obamacare

Mike Konczal at New Deal 2.0 looks at the roll-out problems and their effect on liberalism. He knows that this is not a liberal program, and has a little chart that highlights the differences.

He also provided me with confirmation of my guesses at possible problems of going ahead during the government shutdown. There is no way that the Social Security System, IRS, and Homeland Security were going to have all of their servers up during the government shutdown, and that would be an obvious choke point.

Fallenmonk has been trying to get on for a while and discovered that the site prefers IE over Firefox. I can believe that in a push to get the thing out the door, they would test only with IE on Windows.

The Republicans in the House are obviously going to hold hearings on the roll-out, but this NBC report is a bit odd:

The House committee responsible for Obamacare oversight asked for expert guidance last week about the troubled launch of the federal Healthcare.gov site from John McAfee, the tech legend once suspected in the murder of his neighbor in Central America, CNBC has learned.

McAfee’s company wrote anti-virus programs, what qualifies him as an expert in web site development?


1 Steve Bates { 10.24.13 at 10:45 am }

McAfee… heh. TPM pointed out that he was suspected of murdering his neighbor in Belize, and posted a pic of him looking like a street bum. They also of course posted a couple of truly stupid statements from him. How the mighty have fallen…

2 Bryan { 10.24.13 at 8:33 pm }

He basically is a bum as he blew the payout from the sale of his company on investments that went South when the Ponzi scheme of the Wall Street banks and brokerages blew up. If the evidence gets strong enough he could be extradited to Belize. Guatemala deported him, so he must be living on the ‘kindness of strangers’ because he didn’t have what normal people think of as friends.

3 Badtux { 10.28.13 at 9:51 pm }

That said, McAfee does have a certain, erm, “swagger” to him that for some reason makes complete strangers want to loan him a couch to crash on for the night. He’s a loon, of course, but a charming one. Up until the time he strangles you of course :).

4 Bryan { 10.28.13 at 10:18 pm }

I wouldn’t say he had the charisma of Charles Manson, but he is certainly as intelligent and personable as Ted Bundy 😉