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Sad News — Why Now?
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Sad News

After only a few months at Fallenmonk Farm Betty the Beagle has headed to the Rainbow Bridge.

It doesn’t take very long to become attached to a critter.


1 oldwhitelady { 10.24.13 at 6:52 pm }

You’re right, Bryan. We get attached so quickly to our funny four-legged friends. They make our worlds a little brighter. Unfortunately, sometimes, they leave us too soon.

R.I.P. Betty the Beagle.

2 Bryan { 10.24.13 at 8:37 pm }

They return the love we give them many times over and cheer us up when we are down.

3 JuanitaM { 10.25.13 at 1:38 pm }

Poor Betty the Beagle. Still, she had lots of love (and obviously gave lots of love) which is the most that any of us can ask for.

I still miss some of my little (and not so little) ‘friends’ that have moved on including the first dog I ever had, Snowball. He showed up on our porch one fine spring morning to stay for the rest of his days. I don’t suppose we forget any of them.

So sorry for Fallenmonk.

4 Bryan { 10.25.13 at 10:59 pm }

They grow on you and you never forget them.

Betty was a rescue and had had a bad time, but she was rewarded in the end with a big yard and people who loved her as she loved them.