Still Looking …
The Republicans are really pathetic. A new web site failed, so someone must be nuked.
They have apparently forgotten about their roll out of Medicare Part D. That is just as big a disaster, and it took months to make it even moderately useable. I had to navigate that sucker for a friend of Mother’s and it was the most user-hostile piece of garbage on the ‘Net. Now, of course, we have a lot more tools to confuse and confound people, so it has since been eclipsed.
Microsoft has had multiple disasters with upgrades in the last year. Updates to IOS occasionally break equipment, and Apple’s map app still isn’t useable. It’s the nature of the beast – it worked great in testing and dies on roll out.
Apparently Republicans will be shocked to find out that on occasion Amazon and Google crash. It’s annoying, but it happens.
One of the problems is that the law wasn’t certain until the Supreme Court ruled on it, and the Court altered the law by changing the Medicare expansion from mandatory to voluntary. They needed parameters from multiple insurance companies and multiple states, and I assume those were behind many of the change orders.
States like Kentucky are working fine, because they started as soon as possible to implement the law. They knew what they needed early on and had time for testing.
It is reportedly getting better every day, so it will be fixed in time, but there were a lot people besides the Federal government and the coders involved in these problems. A large number of states haven’t been cooperating, and some insurance companies have been slow to respond.
If this this had worked from the first day I would have been certain that it had major problems that would be discovered months down the road. Having the problems up front at least means that people are suspicious and really will be checking the entire system for defects.
If they had gone with ‘Medicare for All’. of course, we wouldn’t have any of these problems, and significantly reduced the cost of health care in this country.
October 24, 2013 10 Comments