More Thoughts
The BBC magazine asks the burning question: Why is broadband more expensive in the US? Yes, why doesn’t the ‘free market’ provide reasonable service, at a reasonable price? Because without regulation corporations do their best to eliminate all competition and gouge people.
BTW, don’t look at the charts of what is available in the rest of the world, they will just depress you.
So Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is hoping that a hissy fit over Benghazi will dull the knives of the Tea Party and put off a primary fight for his seat. He says he will put a hold on all administration nominations until the survivors of the incident are available for a Senate dog-and-pony show. I have no idea why he thinks that the survivors want to talk to anyone in Congress – the people who slashed the State Department’s security budget and made it impossible to improve the consulate in Libya. Given that the majority of the people were CIA employees, I doubt they want to appear in public, even to help Ol’ Lindsey get re-elected.
Alexander the Geek and his deputy are leaving. You can’t help but wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the White House probably didn’t know the level of the data hoovering that was taking place in Europe. Having both the Director and the Assistant Director leave is not the normal way that things are done for reasons of continuity.
October 28, 2013 2 Comments