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It’s National Cat Day — Why Now?
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It’s National Cat Day

Deal With It…


1 hipparchia { 10.29.13 at 8:00 pm }

Deal With It…

i am, believe me.

2 Bryan { 10.29.13 at 8:21 pm }

Every day is Cat Day at your house 😉

3 hipparchia { 10.29.13 at 8:48 pm }


to celebrate, i went out and stocked up on cat food and cat litter this evening.

4 hipparchia { 10.29.13 at 9:00 pm }
5 Bryan { 10.29.13 at 11:07 pm }

I had to do that yesterday. His eyes show the Siamese, but they are pale blue instead of bright blue, that’s why the retinas reflect red instead of green.

6 Badtux { 10.30.13 at 12:29 am }

My cats think every day is National Cat Day too. And yes they are both adoptees from the Arizona Humane Society.

7 Steve Bates { 10.30.13 at 12:23 pm }

All Stella’s cats have been adopted from shelters, the SPCA, or vets saddled with unwanted kitties. Our current cats are adoptees from a basket left on our vet’s doorstep in the middle of the night… one very pregnant mom-cat and one of the resulting kittens. Esther (Mom) is an ordinary-sized cat, which means Lily’s daddy must have been HUGE… Lily is no featherweight!

8 Bryan { 10.30.13 at 9:35 pm }

My cats have always come from the ferals. They are part of the minority that can be socialized, and thus, adopted.

9 hipparchia { 10.30.13 at 10:15 pm }

They are part of the minority that can be socialized, and thus, adopted.

only the socialized? scaredy-cat. 😈

i adopted all the ferals that were using my porch, and brought them inside, because the neighbor was putting out traps and poison. they generally all seem to approve of the “indoor” part, even if they sometimes grumble about having to share oxygen with a human.

10 Bryan { 10.30.13 at 11:19 pm }

At one point there were at least five dozen ferals in three major groups, so ‘Trap, Neuter, Release’ seemed like a better plan 🙂

If they happened to be friendly, I socialized them for adoption because being friendly with humans was not a survival skill.