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All Hallowed Evening — Why Now?
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All Hallowed Evening

Bonus Cat Blogging

Jack o' lanternWhether you celebrate Celtic New Year’s Eve [Samhain], the evening before All Saints Day [Halloween], or the anniversary of the posting of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 [Reformation Day], have a happy one.

Wikipedia does its normally thorough job of covering all of the bases on the holidays that share October 31st.

These are my remembrances of a traditional American Halloween.

The ‘Autumn Festival’ across the street was held last night with a half dozen Sheriff vehicles to control the parking. Kind of back to normal after the Covid problems of the last few years.


1 hipparchia { 11.04.22 at 1:40 am }

i’ve been away from the internet for a while, glad to see my favorite cat picture! thank you.

i have a real sewing machine, and learned how to sew at an early age, and yep, i did put that skill to some use at halloween 😈

and you sent me down memory lane just now, re-reading the yellow doggerel democrat (mostly the cat blogging).

2 Bryan { 11.05.22 at 10:58 pm }

I miss Steve, but all things must pass. Excise was definitely photogenic, unlike his mother and sister, who wouldn’t stand still.

I bought a sewing machine specifically to shorted the legs on my jeans. I still have it and it works great for basic tasks.