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2023 March 17 — Why Now?
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Iditarod 2023 – Day 13

Iditarod 2023 MapSled DogJason Mackey (20) only has 5 puppies in harness. I was sure that the minimum was 6. I’ll have to research it. Update the rule is now 5 puppies on the towline as a minimum. They must must have changed it when they went to 14 instead of 16 as the maximum.

Looks like The Φ (Red Lantern) will come to Nome today. Jason Mackey (20) ended the race when he brought the Red Lantern under the Burled Arch in Nome at 8:03PM tonight.

Standings at 8:03PM CDT (5:03PM AKDT):
Finished at Nome
1 Ryan Redington (5)
2 Peter Kaiser (33)
3 Richie Diehl (15)
4 Matt Hall (7)
5 Jessie Holmes (2)
6 Kelly Maixner (23)
7 Eddie Burke Jr (18)R
8 Matthew Failor (16)
9 Mille Porsild (4)
10 Wade Marrs (28)
11 Hunter Keefe (12)R
12 Dan Kaduce (11)
13 Christian Turner (30)
14 Jessie Royer (26)
15 Aaron Peck (31)
16 KattiJo Deeter (10)R
17 Nicolas Petit (9)
18 Riley Dyche (21)
19 Ramey Smyth (24)
20 Deke Naaktgeboren (34)
21 Kristy Berington (6)
22 Anna Berington (8)
23 Michael Williams Jr (32)
24 Bailey Vitello (3)R
25 Joanna Jagow (25)
26 Gerhardt Thiart (22)R
27 Bridgett Watkins (19)R
28 Jed Stephensen (27)R
29 Jason Mackey (20) Φ
[continued below the fold] [

March 17, 2023   Comments Off on Iditarod 2023 – Day 13

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Éireann go Brách!

Irish Flag


Well everyone agrees that he died on March 17th, but the year is subject to debate. This is his feast day on the Catholic calendar. Enjoy as you are wont.

Wikipedia has more on Saint Patrick’s Day, if you need more.

March 17, 2023   Comments Off on Happy Saint Patrick’s Day