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Florida High Ground — Why Now?
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Florida High Ground

“You don’t need to run hundreds of miles, just get to higher ground, get to a safe structure,” Mr DeSantis said.

Dear unGov DeMentis, the highest point in the entire state of Florida is a “towering” 345 feet located in Walton County near the Alabama border. There’s a marker that makes it official. There is no “high ground” in the Big Bend which is wet lands and swamp. You need to drive hundreds of miles to be assured of power, water, sanitary facilities. Take a little time while flying around and learn something about the state.


1 Anya { 08.31.23 at 9:16 am }

Judging from the news footage that’s been broadcast, there don’t seem to be any “safe” structures in Florida.

How are you doing? Was your structure safe?

2 Bryan { 08.31.23 at 10:07 am }

While those people were getting smashed I had a beautiful day with a few fluffy clouds and a reduced humidity which dropped the heat index into the 90s. Those are pictures of old Florida with scattered villages among state and federal forests and wetlands. The last hurricane in that area was in the mid 19th century and there probably hasn’t been a structure built since WWII.

I appreciate the concern, but I will be in a motel in northern Alabama if a storm like that took aim at Cinco Bayou.

3 hipparchia { 09.10.23 at 10:09 pm }

tap tap . . . is this thing on?

there are various warning messages on my computer screen . . . .

4 hipparchia { 09.10.23 at 10:36 pm }

when i was living in central florida, i used to dream about one day retiring to mexico beach or cedar key, since hurricanes NEVER go there. oh, well . . . .

5 Bryan { 09.11.23 at 10:52 pm }

You may have lucked out because we haven’t had a bad on in a while.